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Tiffany Moss Execution Date: Judge Postpones Execution of US Deαth Row’s Only Woman Since 2019

Tiffany Moss Execution Date: Judge Postpones Execution of US Death Row's Only Woman Since 2019

Tiffany Moss Execution Date: Judge Postpones Execution of US Death Row's Only Woman Since 2019

A federal judge ruled that the Justice Department improperly moved the last woman on federal deαth row’s execution date, potentially paving the way for the Trump administration to schedule the execution after Joe Biden is inaugurated as president.

Additionally, U.S. District Court Judge Randolph Moss revoked a directive from the Bureau of Prisons’ director that had set Lisa Montgomery’s execution for January 12th.

Initially developed to d!e this month at the Federal Correctional Complex in Terre Haute, Indiana, Montgomery’s execution was postponed by Moss when her counsel became ill while seeing their client and requested more time to plead for clemency.

Lisa Montgomery’s execution was delayed until January 12, when Moss forbade the Bureau of Prisons from carrying it out before the end of the year. However, Moss decided on Wednesday that the organization couldn’t change the date while a stay was in effect.

“The Court, accordingly, concludes that the Director’s order setting a new execution date while the Court’s stay was in effect was ‘not in accordance with law,'” Moss wrote.

Here is the screenshot of Females under Death Sentence as of March 31, 2023:

A Justice Department official did not immediately answer an inquiry for comment.

The order states that Montgomery’s execution cannot be rescheduled until January 1st. According to Justice Department regulations, a convict on deαth row must be informed at least 20 days before the execution.

Hindustan Times shared a tweet on Dec 26, 2020, about the judge delaying the execution of only a woman on US death row:

Because of the judge’s directive, the execution might occur after Vice President Biden’s inauguration on January 20 if the Justice Department changes the date to January.

A Biden representative informed the Associated Press that the incoming president “opposes the death penalty now and in the future”.

It would work as president to put an end to its use. However, it is unclear from statements made by Biden’s officials whether the suspension of executions will take effect immediately.

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In December 2004, Bobbie Jo Stinnett, age 23, was ki!!ed in the community of Skidmore in northwest Missouri. Montgomery was found guilty of her m*rder.

According to the authorities, she strangled Stinnett, who was eight months pregnant, with a rope before severing the newborn girl’s umbilical cord with a kitchen kn!fe.

According to the prosecution, Montgomery tried to pass off the girl as her own after removing the infant from Stinnett’s body and taking her. The defence team for Montgomery has maintained that their client has severe mental problems.

“Given the severity of Mrs. Montgomery’s mental illness, the sexual and physical torture she endured throughout her life, and the connection between her trauma and the facts of her crime, we appeal to President Trump to grant her mercy, and commute her sentence to life imprisonment,”  Sandra Babcock, one of Montgomery’s attorneys, stated in a statement.

Due to coronavirus testing being positive, the executions of two further federal pr!soners who were due to be executed in January are also being postponed by their counsel.

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