Loveland High School Principal On Leave As Police Probe Threats To Northern Colorado Schools

Loveland High School Principal On Leave As Police Probe Threats To Northern Colorado Schools

On the previous three days, at least seven threats to nearby schools were investigated by Loveland police, some of which led to school closures. Some schools were advised to forbid children from attending even though Loveland Police did not find any threats genuine. Following their response to a threat, one school put its principal on … Read more

Decatur High and Middle School Dismiss Early Amid Heightened Alert

Decatur High And Middle School Dismiss Early Amid Heightened Alert

AL. DECATUR – According to a Decatur City Schools (DCS) representative, Decatur High School, and Decatur Middle School were dismissed early on Friday after a potential former student allegedly threatened a teacher in an email. According to Elizabeth Gentle, the communications director for DCS, the school system received three threats of gun violence in the … Read more

Kevin McCarthy Holds Off On Supporting Gun Control Laws, Awaiting All The Facts

Kevin McCarthy Holds Off On Supporting Gun Control Laws, Awaiting All The Facts

When asked by CNN on Wednesday if he would support additional laws to stop gun violence, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy declined, stating he wanted to see “all the evidence.” Mr. McCarthy’s remarks follow the Monday shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, which left three adults and three children, all under nine, dead. “We … Read more

Educators Report Censorship Concerns As Some School Districts Cancel Student Musicals

Educators Report Censorship Concerns As Some School Districts Cancel Student Musicals

Some art educators believe high school theater may be the next front in the culture wars as worried parents raise the alarm about the rising number of bans targeting LGBTQ-themed publications and (some rainbow-themed) music on school campuses. Proof comes from places including Pennsylvania, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Ohio, and New Jersey, where plays and musicals … Read more

Texas Lawmaker Compares Response Time to School Shootings in Nashville and Uvalde

Texas Lawmaker Compares Response Time to School Shootings in Nashville and Uvalde

UTAH’S UVALDE — Further discussions on gun control and school safety have been sparked by the Monday shooting at a school in Nashville, Tennessee. At The Covenant School, a Presbyterian elementary school for preschool through sixth-grade children, three 9-year-olds and three adults were shot and killed. Police shot and killed Audrey Hale, 28, the shooter, … Read more

Palmer High School Implements Shelter-In-Place Protocol For Possible Incident

Palmer High School Implements Shelter-in-Place Protocol for Possible Incident

Tuesday was terrifying for many school communities due to several threats that surfaced only one day after the horrific Nashville shooting. Tuesday, parents throughout the Bay State—including Hope Corsi—received calls from their children’s schools informing them of a lockdown. “I immediately sped here and I got lots of emails and calls from other parents I … Read more