Write For US

We appreciate you visiting blhsnews.com Write for Us page. I assume you’re looking for the blhsnews.com article submission. If so, you’ve come to the right place, and we’re pleased to let you know that we welcome stories from our audience.

How Can You Become A blhsnews.com Contributor?

Here are some crucial pointers that will assist you in getting your writing content accepted and published if you want to contribute frequently to blhsnews.com

  • Browse the Blog’s main page and a few other pages to get a sense of the content we provide. Write interesting stuff.
  • The first crucial element, in this case, is content quality. Write only high-quality, original content without any traces of plagiarism.

Here Are a Few of the Categories That We Accept Articles From

  1. Celebrity.
  2. News.

You Must Remember A Few Points Before Submitting Your Article

Content Quality: The piece should be at least 800 words long and go into great detail about the subject. When we accept guest contributions from our readers, quality is one of the main factors we consider. Write an extremely original article if you want to make sure it gets published. Never attempt to employ rewriting tools.

Credit: We value originality, so if your idea is a ripoff of someone else’s, feel free to give them credit. The same holds for any pictures you include with your post.

Videos, infographics, pictures, and animated gifs can all be embedded in posts. Engaging the audience is greatly aided by using images, infographics, and videos.

Self-Promotion: We welcome submissions. However, we don’t accept spam or excessive hyperlinks of any kind. You may only have one link to your Blog or website.

Copyright: We value the efforts of contributors. Your article will be rejected if it is discovered that it has been plagiarised. Following submission to blhnews.com, your essay from our Blog will be deleted and immediately banned if you post the same article elsewhere.

How to Submit An Article To blhsnews.com?

To submit a guest post, you must email [email protected] with an article word file, the featured image, and any pertinent images.

You will be notified via email if the content is approved and published within 24 hours of submission.

Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. With any further questions.
