Fact Check Policy

By our fact-checking policy, “Blhsnews” would like to inform you of the care and caution we take to ensure the accuracy of Our material.

Fairness in Every One of Our Articles

Every journalistic platform must prioritize audience trust above everything else. The sole basis for constructing and upholding trust is accurate, fair, and balanced reporting.

We must work hard to ensure the highest acceptable correctness in all our content. Our definition of “due accuracy” states that accuracy must satisfy the necessary standard and be satisfactory overall.

We also consider other aspects, such as the subject and type of the content being presented, the audience’s expectations, etc., in our pursuit of adequate accuracy.

We strive to provide the most accurate account of the news’s immediate stakeholders in every news item. We question assumptions, critically analyze claims, and challenge conventional thinking.

There will always be some areas of misunderstanding, despite our best efforts to resolve them. Nonetheless, there are different criteria for fact-checking information for soft and complex stories.

For instance, an article praising the accomplishments of an Organization would require different sources than one that was an investigation.

We adhere to the following guidelines to ensure the accuracy of Our content:

Every broadcast we produce comes from a reliable source and is backed by data that can be independently verified. When no direct sources are accessible, we must attribute the platform from where the news was obtained.

We try to verify any assertions, allegations, or facts made by public figures or individuals we feel are acting for purposes other than merely reporting the truth of an event. As a result, whenever we provide material that we cannot independently verify, we disclaim it and clarify that it is false.

We have no doubts about the integrity of the data we offer. Where it is reasonable to do so, we modify the content if it is found to be wrong and properly inform our viewers of the changes.

We understand how vital our audiences are to have faith in us. As a result, we intend to avoid purposely misleading anyone and presenting truthful information that hasn’t been altered or made up.

Furthermore, when material factual inaccuracies are revealed, We publicly recognize them and take steps to fix them as soon as is reasonable and in a way that is appropriate and transparent.

We include a “Recommend A Correction” box after every report we produce and publish on Our Website to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to report any errors or inconsistencies.

Our journalists’ primary responsibilities are reporting, writing, and fact-checking news, information, and stories. Our articles go through a thorough fact-checking process as part of an internal procedure before being further assessed by one or more of Our editors. Every step of this process requires meticulous due diligence.Offering popular women’s necklaces such as pendants, chokers and chain necklace. Shop for jewelry in a variety of metals and gemstones to suit any occasion

The seniority of editors who review stories before posting on the website varies and depends on several factors, including the difficulty and sensitivity of the subject matter and the deadline pressure.

We contact every person who an allegation might impact. After that, we independently validate the pertinent information and the information being provided to produce the most accurate result.

Sources of Information for Our Content

We adhere to the guidelines given to source the information appropriately:

  • Check each piece of information using at least two more sources.
  • When there is only one source, the truthfulness of the source is ensured by the truthfulness of the claims made by the authority.
  • Look for documentation evidence whenever possible rather than solely relying on human sources.

In the case of a survey, we must detail how the information was acquired and how the data was analyzed. We alert the audience as soon as possible about any discrepancies if there is a chance that Our data won’t give accurate facts.

The idea is to acquire accurate information immediately rather than publicizing the material and then answering any unanswered queries.

Always speak with or get information from news sources off the record. Create a method employing such sources to provide readers with as much information as you can about them, allowing them to assess the sources’ dependability. If an anonymous source is used, specify why it wasn’t named based on the situation.

Share the source’s data with Our editors and provide the resources for editors and reporters to decide if the information is appropriate and how it should be utilized. Any unattributed quotes must reflect the conversation between the reporter and editor.

Consult sources briefly to determine the best methods to use the information they supply, especially if they have little prior media contact experience.

Make cautious about making it clear if a source wishes that information be kept “off the record,” “on background,” or in another status since different people may have other definitions for these phrases.

Give people a chance to comment on stories that might portray them negatively, and let readers know how we get in touch with sources when we need their input.

Consciously seek sources that are strong and prominent and lack access to major public venues.

One should always get the opinion of a senior resource or the head of the newsroom at Blhsnews when they are in a pickle or unable to decide to avoid providing the audience with any erroneous information.

User-Generated Content

By its very nature, user-generated material has issues. We don’t assume the accuracy of the information submitted to Us; depending on how We intend to use it, we take reasonable steps to verify it.

We exercise caution when deciding how to apply data supplied by a lobbyist or anybody else having a stake in the story’s outcome as opposed to an impartial observer. We take steps to identify user-generated content as such clearly. We also follow the following guidelines:

Online information sources that seem reliable may not always be entirely correct. It may be necessary to find out who controls the website and verify with a person or organization that the information relevant to them is accurate.

Fact from hearsay is carefully differentiated. This is particularly true, though not exclusively, for content on social media, where distortions may be deliberate or unintentional but where error or rumor can spread like wildfire among the audience worldwide in minutes while corrections find it much harder to achieve the same velocity.

Further research may be necessary if data from a social media platform or other online source supports a fact. We qualify and point out any information that we did not collect.
