Rise In Hoax Calls To Schools Coincide With Increase In Shootings

Rise In Hoax Calls To Schools Coincide With Increase In Shootings

The number of “swatting” calls—false allegations of bombings or shootings—that alert SWAT teams and put schools on lockdown is rising countrywide. The broader picture: Even though there are no deaths or injuries in such events, children might nonetheless suffer greatly psychologically. Making a false emergency call to 911, which frequently sends SWAT units to potentially … Read more

Florida Prep School Principal S*xually Molested Student Who Saw Her As ‘Mother Figure’

Florida Prep School Principal Sexually Molested Student Who Saw Her As 'Mother Figure'

According to a local news story, a Florida private school principal is accused of s*xually assaulting a male student who confided in her about his family problems. According to CBS Miami, which quoted Tracy Smith’s arrest record, she was the director of Xceed Preparatory Academy in Coral Springs, Florida, when she allegedly started a s*xual … Read more

Lincolnwood Elementary Lockdown Lifted After Student Surrenders Gun Magazine

Lincolnwood Elementary Lockdown Lifted After Student Surrenders Gun Magazine

Evansville, Illinois After an elementary school pupil provided officials with a pistol magazine on Tuesday morning, Evanston police launched an investigation. At the Lincolnwood Elementary School, the incident took place. Police reported no immediate threat when the school was placed on lockdown as a precaution. Police said that the lockdown was removed just before 11 … Read more

Brazilian Government Implements Measures To Enhance Safety Following School Attacks

Brazilian Government Implements Measures To Enhance Safety Following School Attacks

Brazil’s BRASILIAAs part of its efforts to stop a spate of deadly school attacks, Brazil’s government announced plans on Tuesday to increase funding for school security and tighten down on violence incitement. The range of actions was considered at a conference of ministers, governors, and mayors that President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva called in … Read more

Arrested South Florida Middle School Teacher Accused Of Inappropriate Conduct With Student

Arrested South Florida Middle School Teacher Accused Of Inappropriate Conduct With Student

A teacher from South Florida was sent to jail on Monday after being accused of acting inappropriately toward a middle schooler. A number of accusations against Muhammed Ahmed include witness manipulation and child abuse. Police claim that while employed at Country Club Middle School in Northwest Miami-Dade, the 28-year-old developed a romantic relationship with a … Read more