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Earl Exum Obituary: A Legacy of Aerospace Innovation!

Earl Exum Obituary

Earl Exum Obituary

Earl Exum Obituary: The West Hartford community is very sad because Earl Exum, a well-known person in the aerospace industry and the husband of Tammy Exum, has passed away.

He was the President of Pratt & Whitney, a big aerospace company, and he died on October 1, 2023. He will be remembered for a long time for his achievements and leadership.

Earl Exum was born on July 15, 1956, in West Hartford, Connecticut. He loved engineering and airplanes from a young age. He went to West Hartford High School and then studied aerospace engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

After finishing college, Earl started working at Pratt & Whitney in 1978. He was very dedicated and smart, so he moved up the company ladder quickly. His coworkers thought of him as a leader who always tried to do new and innovative things.

Earl Exum Obituary

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Earl did many amazing things at Pratt & Whitney. He helped create better jet engines that used less fuel and were better for the environment. He also made sure everyone at the company worked together and helped each other.

He believed in the strength of having different kinds of people working together, and he encouraged young engineers, especially women and people of color, to join the aerospace industry.

Outside of work, Earl was known for helping the West Hartford community. He gave money to local charities, helped with education projects, and supported programs for young people. He was very generous and always wanted to give back.

But Earl’s legacy is not just about his job and charity work. He was a loving husband to Tammy Exum. They were a great team and inspired everyone who knew them. Tammy, who is an artist, often talked about how much Earl meant to her and her career.

So, as West Hartford remembers Earl Exum, they are thinking about how he made the aerospace industry better, helped the community, and had a big impact on people’s lives. His ideas, inclusiveness, and dedication to making the world better will keep inspiring others for a long time.

There will be a memorial service for Earl Exum on October 7, 2023, at the West Hartford Center for the Arts. Instead of flowers, his family asks for donations to the Pratt & Whitney Scholarship Fund. This fund helps young people who want to become aerospace engineers, which was something very important to Earl.

Earl Exum will always be remembered in the hearts of the people who knew him, and his influence on the aerospace industry and the West Hartford community will stay as a sign of his amazing life and career.

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