Ethan Crumbley Objects to Presentation of Victim Bodies at Oxford School Shooting Trial

Ethan Crumbley Objects to Presentation of Victim Bodies at Oxford School Shooting Trial

Following the denial of his previous wish list, school shooter Ethan Crumbley has made additional requests of the court who will sentence him, including that photographs of his victims’ bodies not be exposed at an upcoming hearing that would assist in determining his punishment. Crumbley, who murd*red four pupils and injured seven others, also attempts … Read more

Michigan School Shooter’s Plea to Remove Life Without Parole Denied by Judge!

Michigan School Shooter's Plea to Remove Life Without Parole Denied by Judge

A judge on Tuesday dismissed a request by 17-year-old school shooter Ethan Crumbley to dismiss prosecutors’ motion to seek life in pr!son without the possibility of parole for ki!!ing four classmates. Crumbley has pleaded guilty to 24 crimes, including one count of terrorism and four counts of first-degree murder, in connection with the November 2021 … Read more

Man Wanted for Four Killings in Georgia Shot and Killed by Police!

Man Wanted for Four Killings in Georgia Shot and Killed by Police

During an exchange of gunfire, officers shot and ki!!ed a man wanted in four-weekend deαths outside Atlanta. In contrast, a sheriff’s deputy and a police officer were hurt while attempting to apprehend the culprit. Andre Longmore, 40, was shot amid an extensive manhunt, according to Henry County Sheriff’s spokesperson Syntonnia Moore. The exchange of gunfire … Read more

Oxford High School shooting: Fresh Evidence Unveils Crumbleys’ Guilty Consciousness

Oxford High School shooting: Fresh Evidence Unveils Crumbleys' Guilty Consciousness

Michigan’s OXFORD -More information from a case filing supports the prosecution’s claim that the parents of Oxford High School gunman Ethan Crumbley were careless before the attαck. Since the November 30, 2021, incident, prosecutors have maintained that James and Jennifer Crumbley acted exceptionally carelessly. They are suspected of having purchased Ethan, the g*n used in … Read more

Virginia Students Demand Fossil Fuel Divestment, Universities Cite Complexity

Virginia Students Demand Fossil Fuel Divestment, Universities Cite Complexity

Students at colleges and universities in Virginia have looked to their own campuses for action as scientists continue to provide dire warnings about the adverse effects of climate change and how fossil fuel emissions are contributing to it. Student-run organizations have recently spearheaded initiatives at the University of Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University, the University of … Read more